The American Mathematics Contest (AMC), previously known as the American High School Mathematics Examination (AHSME), is a prestigious mathematics competition established by the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) in 1950. It is designed for students in grades 3-12 who have a passion for mathematics. The competition is divided into three levels based on age: AMC 8 (for grades 8 and below), AMC 10 (for grades 10 and below), and AMC 12 (for grades 12 and below).
- Test types:
1) AMC8
Format: Individual, 25 multiple choice questions
Exam Duration: 40 minutes
Marking scheme: 25 marks in total, 1 mark for 1 correct answer, 0 mark for 1 blank answer or wrong answer.
2) AMC10
Competition Format: Individual, 25 multiple choice questions
Duration of Science Examination: 75 minutes
Marking scheme: Total 150 marks, 6 marks for 1 correct answer, 1.5 marks for 1 blank answer and 0 mark for 1 wrong answer.
3) AMC12 Competition Format: Individual, 25 multiple-choice questions
Duration: 75 minutes
Marking scheme: 1 50 marks, 6 marks for 1 correct answer, 1.5 marks for 1 blank answer, 0 marks for 1 wrong answer.
2. Recent time schedule:
2024 AMC8 – January 24th
2023 AMC10/12 A – November 8th
2023 AMC10/12 B – November 14th
But why do we recommend AMC?
- High scores on AMC exams can lead to invitations to more advanced competitions such as the American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME) and the USA Mathematical Olympiad (USAMO). Exceptional performance can enhance college applications and open doors to scholarships and academic programs.
- The preparation of such a math competition provides a solid foundation for school math no matter which international curriculum you take.(Check the later part of Link to the IB)
- In the application of some schools and special math programs, like, Caltech and SUMaC, there is a place to write your AMC scores, which somehow indicates the best universities want to know your achievements in this math competition and shows its uniqueness.
3. Registration
- ASDAN – to register –
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