1️⃣Changes in course structure and content.
In terms of the course structure of the new IB Physics syllabus (we call it the 2025 version), whether it is IB Physics HL or SL, the compulsory + elective units of the old version of the syllabus have been adjusted into five obligatory modules.
2️⃣ Changes in course assessment
The new syllabus external assessment test paper has cancelled Paper 3 and only retains Paper 1 and Paper 2. Apart from multiple choice questions, paper1 added data-based questions, while Paper2 still focused on short answer questions.

Compared to the two syllabi, the most significant change, as I mentioned, is that Paper 1 has been divided into two parts: 1A for multiple-choice questions and 1B for data-based questions. Paper 3 is unavailable in the new syllabus. Additionally, the maximum word limit for the internal assessment has been altered from 12 pages to 3000 words.
This is a brief introduction to the IB Physics in the new syllabus. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments.